Tormented Straits
The Tormented Straites lay between Ostar and Ostea, a mere twenty miles separates these two warring nations. Two great cities Osmia and Karbraith stand sentinel overlooking the entrance to the straits.
Osar and Ostea continu to contend ownership of the straits. Shipping attempting to pass through the straits will have to contend with one or other (and often both) sides of the conflict. For this reason many traders will land goods beyond the straits or head directly to one of the capital cities.
It is generally safer to overland goods to avoid running the straits, to ports on the eastern coast do good trade which is then transferred by cart to a more westerly port before resuming their journey west.
An alternative option is to sail close in to the shore of one nation of the other. This option is relatively safe when trading with that nation exclusively.