Rekindling of Tak
Tak was a minor God believed in by the inhabitants of one small village on the east coast of Prukath. Following a volcanic eruption that buried the village in which Tak was worshipped, all their followers perished and so Tak was forgotten and faded from the world.
Tak remained a formless idea, unable to exert itself on the world for a thousand years.
Adventurers discovered a pyroduct and investigated its length. They stumble upon a shrine buried during the devastation of the village. A learned cleric in the party correctly identifies the long dead script etched into an alter stone and, with difficulty, reads a basic translation. This is enough for Tak to make contact with the cleric.
Initially, weak as the cleric has an understanding rather than a belief in Tak, Tak is only able to infiltrated the clerics dreams but this is sufficient to begin the long road back to full belief.