Kurg the Determined

From Mondarth Codex

Kurg was a king of western Eosayand who attempted many schemes to invade Prukath with Dragons.


The Dragonborn discovered Prukath, Kurg determined to posses it and set about invading.

Modified Ships

Simply added landing platforms on warships. This, it was reasoned, would allow dragons to rest while over the ocean.

Unfortunately and dragon big enough to ride into battle could not land on the ships with sails.

Several attempts were made to modify ships to allow riggin to bn lowerd for the creatures to land and raised again to affod propulsion. The problem was coordinating this in poor weather. If the dragon needed to rest but the ship needed sail to maintain control the result was disastrous.

Oar Ship

Ships were equipped with oar and sail, but this overcomplicated things further.

Trailing Platform

After one particular disaster the crew cobbled together a raft of sorts from one ship that was sunk. The idea was to tow this raft astern to allow a dragon to rest. Unfortunately the dragons were not keen on being so close to the water and to make matters worse the raft nad to be so large that two ships were required just to make headway. This dual towing arrangement required considerable skill and was abandoned after a squall upset the raft drowning a dragon that was resting at the time.


Ultimately it was decided that the only practical way to transport dragons was in the hold. Obviously this could not be done with adult dragons. Several attempts to ship juvenile dragons by ship resulted in the loss of ship and dragon as the juveniles suffered 'sea sickness' and burned down the ships.

Finally it was decided to try transporting eggs. Although this required an additional oven in the galley ti did prove practical.

The downside being that the invasion would be very slow as it mad to wait on Dragons reaching maturity.

Kurg set up small colonies among the volcanic islands off the coast of Prukath. The colonies were instructed to breed the dragons and, so far as possible, keep secret the colonies and the dragons. This proved easier than expected at first as anyone from Prukath who spied a dragon and reported it was considered crazy and the colonies were on islands thought uninhabitable. As the dragons began ranging further inland and in greater numbers the secret began to leak.

Final Invasion

Kurg was dead before the invasion became practical. It took about 120 years to establish the colonies and for the forst dragons to reach maturity.

The invasion itself fell to Targen Kurg's son.